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Infoview Systems InfoConnect suite of products eliminates the stress and impact of IBM i / AS400 legacy system integration on development teams, minimizes the time and resources put into building integrations by hand, and enables non-IBM i developers to unlock legacy business logic and data directly from the comfort of their modern integration development stack. Certified and rigorously tested by MuleSoft, the connector was designed to accelerate IBM i / AS400 integrations with other systems and services.

We are a global cross-platform service team with a unique fluency in legacy and modern technology stacks, including Confluent and IBM i / AS400. Infoview's dedicated customer success representative coordinates just-in-time technical assistance and support to client teams ensuring you have all the help you may need, when you need it. We are more than happy to provide a trial license for our products, participate in discovery sessions, run live demos for typical integration scenarios with our Gateway products, as well as assist with or perform a proof of concept based on particular use cases.

Contact us for connector pricing info, trial license, or support questions.

Version 2.2.4- April 2024

Version Compatibility

Application/Service Version

Confluent Kafka or
Apache Kafka

6.0.0 or higher or
2.8 or higher

IBM i / OS400

V5R4 or higher

Migrating from Older Versions

The new version of connector is fully backward compatible with older versions.


  • Added a Transformer for generating tombstones for deleted events. This transformer can be used to process DELETE InfoCDC events

Version 2.2.3- Feb 2024

Version Compatibility

Application/Service Version

Confluent Kafka or
Apache Kafka

6.0.0 or higher or
2.8 or higher

IBM i / OS400

V5R4 or higher

Migrating from Older Versions

The new version of connector is fully backward compatible with older versions.


  • Auto support keyed DQ: If customers don't setup keys and search option on DQ and it happens to be a keyed DQ, then connector will automatically adds empty key '' and searchType as `greater than or equal``
  • Enabling program-call acknowledgements for source connector

Version 2.2.2- Jan 2024

Bug Fix

Vulnerability fix on package com.jayway.jsonpath:json-path

Version 2.2.1- Jan 2024

Bug Fix

Vulnerability fix on package com.squareup.okio:okio

Version 2.2.0- Dec 2023

Version Compatibility

Application/Service Version

Confluent Kafka or
Apache Kafka

6.0.0 or higher or
2.8 or higher

IBM i / OS400

V5R4 or higher

Migrating from Older Versions

The new version of connector is fully backward compatible with older versions.


  1. Compact Topic for Storing License and Artifacts
  2. Introducing a compact topic to efficiently store license information and other artifacts.

  3. Error Handling to "as400-error-log" Exception Topic

  4. Errors will be routed to the "as400-error-log" exception topic for improved error tracking.

  5. Enhanced Logging Strategy

  6. Dynamic logging level is now configurable for an enhanced logging experience.

  7. Load Format Files on Startup for Sink Connectors

  8. Format files are now loaded during startup to streamline sink connector operations.

  9. Additional Exception Handling Classes

  10. Introduction of additional exception handling classes to categorize exceptions, treating FormatFileNotFound exceptions as non-recoverable and FormatFile exceptions as recoverable. (For sink connector)

  11. Source Connector Retry on Connectivity Issues

  12. Source connector will now retry indefinitely in the case of connectivity issues from the AS400 side.

  13. Dataqueue and Format File Validation on Startup

  14. Validation checks for dataqueue and format file existence are performed during startup.

Exception Handling Modifications

  1. Exception Handling During Startup
  2. Any exception raised during startup's start() will terminate the task.

  3. Dataqueue Reading Exception Handling

  4. For dataqueue reading:

    • If a Transport Exception is raised, the connector will retry indefinitely with fixed intervals.
    • For all other exceptions, the task will terminate.
  5. Processing and Schema Generation Exception Handling

  6. While processing and generating schema:

    • Any exception raised will be handled, and the record will move to the Dead Letter Queue (DLQ).
  7. Response Dataqueue Writing Exception Handling

  8. If any exception is raised while writing the response to the response dataqueue, the specific record will move to the DLQ.

  9. Dataqueue Writing Exception Handling

  10. While writing to the dataqueue:

    • If a Transport Exception is raised, the connector will retry indefinitely with fixed intervals.
    • For all other exceptions, the task will terminate.
  11. Program-Call Execution Exception Handling

  12. During the execution of a program-call:
    • If a Transport Exception is raised, the connector will retry indefinitely with fixed intervals.
    • For all other exceptions, the task will terminate.
  13. While processing sink record
    • If ValidationException raised, record will be moved to DLQ
    • For all other exceptions, the task will terminate


  1. Broker Unavailability Handling
  2. Source connector will no longer read messages from the dataqueue if the broker is unavailable.

  3. Program-Call Library List Fix

  4. Resolved an issue where the program-call library list was not functioning correctly.

  5. Incorrect XPATH Warning Fix

  6. Addressed an incorrect XPATH warning for the program-call connector.

  7. Asynchronous Response Dataqueue Sending

  8. Responses will now be sent asynchronously to the dataqueue from the source connector.

Version 2.1.2- Sept 2023

Version Compatibility

Application/Service Version

Confluent Kafka

6.0.0 or higher

IBM i / OS400

V5R4 or higher

Migrating from Older Versions

The new version of connector is fully backward compatible with older versions.

Features and fixes

  • Fix: Vulnerability issue fixed for io.netty:netty-handler (netty-handler-4.1.94.Final.jar)

Version 2.1.0 - Sept 2023

Version Compatibility

Application/Service Version

Confluent Kafka

6.0.0 or higher

IBM i / OS400

V5R4 or higher

Migrating from Older Versions

The new version of connector is fully backward compatible with older versions.

Features and fixes

  • Feature: Added the ability to read license file from S3 using IAM without secrets.

  • Feature: Added the ability to connector should support external secrets from a file.

Version 2.0.1 - Sept 2023

Version Compatibility

Application/Service Version

Confluent Kafka

6.0.0 or higher

IBM i / OS400

V5R4 or higher

Migrating from Older Versions

The new version of connector is fully backward compatible with older versions.

Features and fixes

  • Feature: Added the ability to refresh format file if It has been updated

  • Feature: Added support for action on errors those occur on failed mapping with format file(Format Exception Action) at Read Data Queue Processor: DISCARD, PLACE_BACK_INTO_QUEUE

  • Feature: Added support for dynamic format file definition for Read Data Queue Processor and Read Data Queue Listener by setting starting position for format file name(Format File Name Position) and format file library(Format File Library Position) in Data Queue message

  • Feature: Added the ability to reset Library List on each Program Call execution

  • Fix: Improved performance for Program Call operation if it executed with Library List

  • Fix: Improved connection reusability

  • Fix: Improved code for sink connector related to decimal field conversion

  • Fix: Updated AS400_SO_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT=10000 to 180000