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Release Notes

Version 3.0.3 - June 2024

  • Support for up to 300 tables per journal
  • Fix for snapshot processing of deleted records

Version 3.0.2 - May 2024

  • Ability to override member name on Snapshot Details screen

Version 3.0.1 - April 2024

Enhancements and Fixes:

  • Fixed the Acknowledgement Retry process that in some cases could not find correct before image of the record to reprocess
  • Fixed the racing condition issue with retrieving and processing Before images
  • Fixed the bug with detecting the start sequence number when it is reset multiple times without any qualified transactions

Version 3.0.0 - February 2024

Enhancements and Fixes:

  • Initial data load (snapshot) support
  • New option to delete and refresh the CDC table definitions
  • Display the current journal sequence # and staging data queue for the replication flows
  • Ability to generate DELETE and INSERT on Key change event
  • Support for replicating the data in IASP libraries
  • BUG: Receiver switch will work correctly when both last processed receiver and next receiver are not current

Version 2.1.0 - December 2023

Enhancements and Fixes:

  • Performance improvements
  • Support for *AFTER journal image
  • Display the replication workflow status and current number of DQ messages in Tables view
  • Fixed the Created Timestamp in the message metadata

Version 2.0.0 - August 2023

Enhancements and Fixes:

  • Acknowledgements, Retries and Timeouts to implement Guaranteed Delivery
  • Ability to exclude metadata from the data queue message and format file
  • RRN is added to the metadata
  • Ability to detect changes for the key fields
  • Support for tables with very large number of columns (up to 8k columns)
  • Support for Graphics column types

Version 1.0.0 - August 2022

Initial release of the product

  • Compatible with IBM i OS v7.1 or higher Non-intrusive low system impact change detection leveraging IBM i journals
  • Easy setup and configuration, auto-creation of all required components such as data queues, format tables, and flow definitions
  • Ability to configure tables and individual columns to replicate
  • Auto-detect primary keys and unique keys and let users define custom keys for legacy files
  • Listen for changes in specific columns and ignore irrelevant changes
  • Support for both commitment control (commits / rollbacks) and auto commit changes
  • Data Queue messages align with the IBM i Format Table data structure, passing the data in a compact, easy to deserialize, binary format.
  • Automatic type translation by Infoview Kafka and Mulesoft connectors